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在線輔導 | Online


1 小Xizhou 3rd Street


想提高你的英語水準嗎?註冊KeydellEnglish的在線輔導。Keydell Lorenzana 教授提供個人化課程,幫助您實現語言學習目標。無論您是初學者還是希望提高口語和寫作技巧,我們的在線輔導服務都非常適合所有級別的學習者。 要加入,先來,做一個免費的水平評估。 每月:每月 3, 000 元。每月四節課。每節課時長一小時。 $3, 000ntd per month. Four classes per week. Each class is one hour long. Want to improve your English skills? Sign up for online tutoring with KeydellEnglish. Professor Keydell Lorenzana provides personalized lessons to help you achieve your language learning goals. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your speaking and writing skills, our online tutoring service is perfect for learners of all levels. To join first come do a free level assessment. NT$3000 per month comes with 1 class per week, a total of 4 classes.


  • No. 76, Xizhou 3 Street, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

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